Here's what we know you are DONE with in 2024: 


  • Each month feeling like a scramble to make sales and sign clients
  • Showing up on social media consistently yet seeing little to no return
  • Feeling like no-one sees the value in your service despite the incredible transformations and testimonials 
  • Getting views on your content with hardly any conversions as a result


Sound about right? What If I told you that you can wave goodbye to these frustrations by applying exactly what I teach over 2 days for $47?!??

Save your spot for at the workshop.

49% of you ranked your marketing efforts as 'not effective' 

1/3 of you said new customer enquiries is your biggest struggle 

80% of you want increased clients and revenue  

Too many business owners are given cookie cutter advice that quite frankly is not strategically backed...

 "show up consistently" 

"Your authenticity will magnetise clients" 

"Be an authority and get KNOWN for something" 

"Raise your vibrational frequency" 


Is NOT, I repeat, NOT marketing advice. So I'm not surprised you're crossing your fingers and toes for your next client sign up. 


I'm ready to teach you real marketing. The kind I spent years studying at university, the kind of marketing I've used in the industry for years. 



 In this two-part workshop you will learn:


  • Session 1 (July 9th): The principles of marketing, how to stand out from competitors and understanding who your target market is to effectively tailor your strategies. 


  • Session 2 (July 12th): How to make your audience listen to what you have to say, consumer buying behaviour and how to create content that actually makes your audience want to buy ANDDDD tailoring your marketing strategy to the specific platform you're using. 


You're in for a jam-packed two days but don't worry you will get to keep the replays forever!

Secure your spot here.