


Burn out,

A never ending to do list,



It’s getting in your way and you know it.

I refuse to normalise that this is just apart of business. It’s not.

Business can be stressful enough, so you need to stop inflicting unnecessary stress on yourself because you refuse to bring more structure and strategy into your day to day life


If your new here, something you should know about me is I am the QUEEN of strategy and forward planning, the designated “mum of the group”.


Some would call it a “control freak” yet I see it as my super power in business and one of the reasons clients chose to work with me. To put it straight, I don’t like to f^ck with fluff, nor do I like to waste time. I like to work smarter, not harder. This looks like having a strategic approach in my business and the way in which I lead my life.


Systems, structure and strategy goes beyond business. It’s in the micro moments. How you structure your weeks, how you work towards goals, how you show up when it feels like the world is against you, your productivity + energy levels… THIS is one of the most common missing pieces to the puzzle for business owners.

Just as James Clear quotes in his book, Atomic Habits:


It’s time to get some systems in your life so your goals aren’t a question of “if” it’s simply “when”

A holistic therapist & healer that bridges the gap between science & spirituality AND wellness centre owner in the Adelaide Hills. 


Shelby came to me lacking structure in her routines leading to constant overwhelm, her clients booking in determined her daily routine and she was individually creating content for four different platforms without a strategy. 


After implementing a smarter not harder approach she now feels organised + productive within her business, she has intentional client days allowing her to service MORE clients, she has one day a week dedicated to working ON her business and strategically repurposes content across platforms. 

See her testimonial here.


  • Analysis paralysis with an overwhelming amount of tasks
  • Winging every day with little to no structure
  • Never completing daily to do lists going or achieving your goals
  • An endless cycle month to month to get shit done or hit sales targets
  • Getting distracted constantly and never feeling satisfied after a work day


  • Being organised organised with a flexible structure in your life
  • Enhance your business efficiency
  • Leveraging energy levels to increase productivity
  • Actually achieving your goals on time
  • Analysis paralysis with an overwhelming amount of tasks
  • Winging every day with little to no structure
  • Never completing daily to do lists going or achieving your goals
  • An endless cycle month to month to get shit done or hit sales targets
  • Getting distracted constantly and never feeling satisfied after a work day
  • Being organised organised with a flexible structure in your life
  • Enhance your business efficiency
  • Leveraging energy levels to increase productivity
  • Actually achieving your goals on time



Smarter not Harder was created after working with multiple clients with the exact same issue.

They all had the strategy to implement in their business yet there was something stopping them from effectively implementing the strategy to see results…


  • Their organisation + prioritisation skills
  • A lack of overall clarity, direction and purpose behind the strategy
  • The ability to remove emotion from business so you don’t just show up when it feels good
  • Distraction and being discipline with tasks
  • Not knowing how to manipulate energy levels for enhanced productivity 


→ Instant access course to over 20 lesson’s watch at your own pace via the Taylor Lee portal

→ The Strategic Digital Planner

→ Supporting resources + worksheets

→ 20% off a 1:1 strategy call with Taylor

Take me to the check out

  ✔ You are caught in perfectionism or analysis paralysis

✔ You find yourself constantly getting distracted or avoiding tasks

✔ You want to be productive, organised and feel accomplished every day

✔ You want a strategy behind your goals to ensure you actually achieve them

✔ You want systems behind you so it doesn’t feel like you have 5439 tabs open at once

✔ You want to know how to manipulate energy to ensure you have capacity to get sh*t done


& Most importantly you are ready to work smarter not harder.

This is me! Sign me up.